Please phone us on our main number 01473 735880, or the mobile number below and we will confirm availability -but you can also look first on the availability checker at the bottom of each preceding page which is updated daily. Please allow 24 hours for a response if you don’t catch us in.
We will then ask you to send us your payment/deposit, and on receipt, we will confirm your booking in writing..
For our continental guests, we speak a little French and even less Spanish!
You can also use the email contact providedbelow, if you prefer. This is monitored daily.
We look forward to meeting you.
Julian & Leah Haywood Smith
Mobile (Cell) phone: #44 (0)7889 676699
The Granary Bed and Breakfast,
Hall Farm Road,
Great Bealings,
Nr Woodbridge, Suffolk.
IP13 6NY.
Hall Farm Road,
Great Bealings,
Nr Woodbridge, Suffolk.
IP13 6NY.
Tel: 01473 735880
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